Mouth Sores If the soreness in your mouth becomes severe, there are quite a few anesthetic agents you can use on a short-term basis. If your symptoms persist, you should have a complete dental hygienic evaluation.
• Diphenhydramine elixir, lozenges and analgesics may help reduce mouth pain.
• Swishing and swallowing the anesthetic jelly viscous lidocaine can also help you eat if you have pain in your
mouth, pharynx or esophagus (a spray is also available).
• It may help to swish diluted milk of magnesia or an antacid around your mouth.
• Orabase is a dental salve that covers mouth sores while they are healing. You may have to apply it several
times a day.
Infections Mouth infections can be dangerous and have to be cared for. You should examine your mouth every day for any irritation or early fungus growth (white spots inside your mouth that don't wash off). Look under your tongue and at the sides of your mouth and report any changes to your doctor. If you do get an infection, it should be treated promptly.
• If you have a herpes virus—acute or recurrent—your doctor may prescribe oral acyclovir.
• Monilia requires antifungal agents, including mycostatin oral suspension or ketoconazole tablets.
• You can freeze ketoconazole liquid in medicine cups and let it melt in your mouth.